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Festival Coordinators

Bryn Wackett

Production & Site Logistics Coordinators

Miki Ensbey (early lead up) / Jo Edwards (later lead up)

Volunteers Coordinator

Jade Erlandsen (early lead up) / Rebecca McLean (later)


Melinda Pizanias

Food Stall Coordinator

Celina Padilha

Dance Stage Coordinator

Jinu Mathew & Bryn Wackett

Community Village Coordinator

Jennifur Strudwick

Sand Sculpture Coordinator

Natasha Fyles & Staff

Campfire Jam & Sunset Music Space

Kevin McCarthy (Inkind)

Jetty Art Space Exhibition Coordinator

Traci Myles

Spoken Word Stage

Jennifer Dowling

Public Art Space Coordinator

Alison Dowell

Urban Art Installation Coordinator

Hannah Illingworth & Taylor Smith

The Ripple Effect

Environment Centre NT

Program Design

Wes Franklin

#WasteWiseSeabreeze Team

NSF Enviro Working Group, Lakeside Drive Community


Members of the Association for 2018 Festival:

Andrew Arthur

Meghan Bailey

Miki Ensbey

Jeremy Garnett

Anita Jonsberg

Barry Jonsberg

Vicki Kerrigan - Marketing & Promotion Support

Natalia Nour Obeid

Marko Ogden

Jasmina Sesar

Roy Smith

Russell 'Rusty Rhubarb' Smith

Peter Stretton

Jennifur Strudwick

Paz Tassone

Karen Thomas

Jane Tonkin

Felicity Watt

Bryn Wackett - Public Officer

2018 Festival Enviro Working Group

Chaired by: Celina Padilha

Bryn Wackett

Natalia Nour Obeid

Dirk Peek

Georgia Glen - Lakeside Drive Community Garden


2018 COMMITTEES for Festival Year:

Sara Scrutton

Louise Weber

Jennifer Dowling

Sulal Mathai

Celina Padilha

Natalia Nour Obeid 

Vicki Kerrigan

Karen Thomas

Jasmina Sesar

Paz Tassone

Felicity Watt

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Nightcliff Seabreeze Festival is held on the unceded land of the Larrakia People, the Traditional Owners of the Darwin region. We acknowledge Elders past and present.

Thank you!

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